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Building onto an existing set of high-voltage power lines that had previously only stretched from Oklahoma west to Abernathy, Xcel Energy's newly completed TUCO-China Draw project now delivers 345-kilovolt transmission lines as far as Carlsbad, New Mexico.
According to My High Plains, the new project – completed 9% under budget – will improve reliability and affordability for customers served in the region.
“Xcel Energy is committing a large amount of capital as a sign of our faith in the economies of eastern New Mexico and West Texas,” David Hudson, regional president of Xcel Energy, told My High Plains.
“We are focusing resources on projects that will not only provide our communities the safe, clean, abundant and affordable power they require for development but also keep the cost of electricity at or below the rate of inflation," he said. "The Power for the Plains transmission enhancement program is a foundational aspect of that strategy.”